Room Booking


Contact us on if you havn’t received a login link.

  • Qualified Counsellors - Make sure to book each session separately without overlapping time slots.

    Trainee Counsellors - Make sure you put your clients Initals, session number and attendance.

    • Attended - (ATT)

    • Did not attend (DNA) - did not appear to session, no contact made by client.

    • Could not attend (CNA) - this is for under 24 hour notice of non attendance.

    • Cancelled/postponed session. CC/PP

  • Only book for the time slot you need i.e. 1 hour slot per session.

    Place your name

    Place the initials of the client as a reference i.e. CW.

    Skedda automatically allows 15 mins in-between sessions.

  • Use non-verbal cues, such as a discreet knock, if there is any ambiguity about the current session's conclusion.

    Wait respectfully outside the counselling room when the door is closed or there are signs of an ongoing session, avoiding noise or distracting activities.

    Practice patience and flexibility for possible session delays, and if concerns persist, promptly notify Donna or Hayley for guidance on the next steps.

  • If you find that a counselling room has been double-booked, follow these steps to address the situation:

    Stay Calm. Maintain composure and remain calm. Panicking or becoming frustrated will not help resolve the issue.

    Check the schedule. Verify the scheduling information to ensure there is indeed a double booking. Mistakes can sometimes occur, so it's important to confirm the details.

    Assess the priority. Determine the priority of each booking based on urgency, client needs, or other considerations. Some appointments may be more time-sensitive than others.

    Communicate with staff. Contact the reception or administrative staff immediately to inform them of the double booking. They may be able to provide a quick resolution or find an alternative space.

    Offer Solutions. Propose possible solutions to the staff, such as using another available room, rescheduling one of the sessions, or finding a compromise that accommodates both appointments.

    Notify counsellors and clients. If a resolution involves changes to the schedule, promptly notify the involved counsellors and clients about the situation. Clearly communicate any adjustments or alternatives.

    Seek supervisory or manager assistance. If the issue persists or if a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, involve a supervisor or manager who can provide further guidance and assistance.

    Document the incident. Keep a record of the double-booking incident, including the steps taken to resolve it. This documentation may be useful for future reference or to prevent similar issues.

    Implement preventive measures. Work with staff to identify and implement preventive measures to avoid future double bookings. This could involve refining the scheduling system or enhancing communication protocols.

    Apologise and ensure client comfort. If clients are affected by the double booking, offer sincere apologies and ensure they feel comfortable with the resolution. Reassure them that steps are being taken to prevent a recurrence.

    Handling a double booking calmly, communicating effectively, and collaborating with staff and supervisors are key steps to resolving the situation promptly and minimising disruptions for both counsellors and clients.

  • Please address recurring noise issues promptly by speaking directly with the person causing the disturbance. If this approach is not effective, please escalate the matter by discussing the concerns with building management or relevant parties, providing specific details and working collaboratively to find solutions.

  • Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the fire emergency policy for the safety and well-being of everyone in the counselling center.

  • Action Plan for Trainee Counsellors Unable to Access Buildings or Rooms.

    Check the schedule system to see who else is in the building who you might beable to contact.

    Communicate with the directors:

    Inform the directors about the situation promptly. Discuss the issue, seek guidance, and let them know about any potential impact on scheduled counselling sessions.

    Notify Clients. If counselling sessions are affected, promptly notify clients about the situation. Inform them of the issue, apologise for any inconvenience, and discuss potential alternatives, such as rescheduling or relocating the session.

    Document and Report.

    Document the incident, including the date, time, and details of the access issue. Report the incident to the appropriate channels within the counselling centre, ensuring that a record is kept for future reference and addressing any systemic issues contributing to the problem.

  • Please note that sessions cannot be cancelled with less than 24 hours' notice on skedda. We suggest getting clients to prepay for all sessions to ensure room rental costs are covered.

    Trainee Counsellors - notifiy us of any changes that are needed to be added to your session booking if changes are needed.

Keys and Passcode

Brief out line of holding keys for the Counselling Hub Wales locations. 

We give Keys to individuals to be able to give you ease of use to the rooms. By taking a set of Keys you are acknowledging the following. 

  • You will open and close the areas of the building that you have accessed making sure they are closed and locked. 

  • Be familiar with emergency exits so you can exit promptly. 

  • Communicate any concerns regarding maintain of doors or keys. 

  • Not to allow others access or use of your keys or passcodes. 

  • Not to allow others use of the building.

  • Not to use the building for any other use other then agreed work

  • Return all keys when you have completed your time with us.

  • Have phone contact numbers of directors

  • There will be a £10 charge to replace any lost keys/fobs


If you choose not to have a set of keys than its your responsabilty to make sure that the building is open for the time and day you have booked the room.