Counselling Hub Wales: Terms and Conditions. Reviewed. 20th January 2024

Note: These terms and conditions apply on commencement of paid services only with the Counselling Hub Wales

If you engage with services with another counsellor who doesn’t work for the counselling hub wales then you are to refer to their terms and conditions  


In requesting professional consultation and assistance, I understand that to be successful, I must be entirely willing to:  

A) You agree to the use of some or all the following treatments for therapeutic reasons at the cost stated. The price can  be increased by the therapist which will be stated on their contract and agreed between client and therapist. 

B) You accept that the treatment is offered based on the information you supply in the initial assessment and affirm that this has been complete and truthful. 

C) You accept that an agreement to work on the issues presented does not imply that a particular outcome of therapy can be guaranteed and that fees charged are for the therapist’s time. 

D) Payment needs to be agreed between therapist and client, typically payment is received prior to session commencement or same day.  If payment is received later than this a late fee might be charged. Please check with your therapist

E) Non-attendance: This will be covered between client and therapist within the therapist's contract. Typically 24/48 hours (dependent on counsellors contract) notice need to be given otherwise full fee will be liable.  If client is unable to attend in person, client will be offered an online or phone appointment.

F) You are free to withdraw from therapy at any time. 

G) Arrival more than 20 mins late will cause the session to be cancelled without refund as a non-attendance. If you do arrive in the 20 minute period this time will include within the 50 minute session. In the event of a no show, all future sessions will be cancelled.  Please contact your therapist for further information.

H) Anti-social behaviour will cause the immediate cessation of treatment. 

I) It is your duty to not engage with services if you have a diagnosed psychiatric condition which is not appropriate for counselling engagement. It is also accepted that it is your responsibility to provide your address and an emergency contact to the therapist if you have any personal safety concerns or a physical condition which makes it possible that you could fall suddenly and seriously ill during a session.

J) The information that you provide will be kept confidential unless one of the following applies: There is a legal obligation to share the information e.g., when the Children’s Act applies, or a warrant / court order is issued. You demonstrate you are a danger to yourselves or others. If you say you have committed a crime, (such as financing or committing an act of terrorism, drug or human trafficking, money laundering) If you have committed these acts, I am legally bound to break confidentiality and I will do so without informing you that this has occurred.   


To support you in deriving maximum benefit from our scheduled time together, I agree to: 

A) Use the best of my abilities and expertise to facilitate such changes as are mutually agreed to be in your interest and in no way harmful to you. 

B) To work diligently on your behalf to ensure the best possible outcome for you, the client 

C) To behave and work in accordance with my ethical and legal duties. 

D) Offer you my undivided attention and professional assistance during our scheduled consultations. 

E) Inform you immediately if, in my judgement, you would be better served by another professional or an alternative means of achieving your objectives. 

F) Therapists will be professionally committed to assisting you in the shortest possible time and mobilising your resources to achieve maximum results. 

G) Therapists will inform you at earliest possible of any cancellation and only in such incidents that are out of their control such as accident or illness. In such instances an offer of a  rescheduled session will be made to you. 

H) Therapists will only seek to treat conditions which may be helped by counselling. If a therapist has reason to believe your conditions need higher level psychologist or psychiatric help, your therapist will inform you immediately and assist you with referral if requested. 


Assessment Data: The following terms and conditions apply on engagement with services regarding how your data is stored and used. All data is securely kept as per the recommendations and legislation set out by GDP, the ICO and data protection laws. If you wish to enquire about your rights you may do so with your therapist  in the first instance failing that you may contact the ICO directly. The data we shall collect will be via written questionnaires, your notes and tests such as a CORE10, PHQ9 or GAD7, if applicable.  The purpose of collection is to assist in your treatment. Your data will be kept for approximately 7 years; this is for insurance reasons. After the seven year period, your data will be securely destroyed. All session notes storage will be discussed in your first session with your therapist.  Typically counselling session notes are either kept locked away in a secure cabinet that only your therapist has access to or held on a secured computer platform. All data secured on an electronic device will be encrypted with a unique password both on the relevant document on your therapists computer. Counselling Hub is not responsibilie for breaches by other software providers such as Zoom, GoDaddy, Outlook and other platforms.  Confidentiality may be breached if it is within the public interest to do so as mentioned in the aforementioned section. If confidentiality has to be breached legally, the client will not be informed of the breach. If the client wishes us to release or share information, then a written letter must be provided which is signed and dated with specific instructions as to which information is to be revealed and to whom.